The Awakening is the ultimate journey of the Self. It is a radical shift in consciousness where you have accessed a higher awareness of your inner connection to All That Is. It is also the realization that the Universe is becoming more aware of itself through you and your experiences. The Awakening is a time of karmic resolution, dissolving and transmuting old energies, and arriving to divine sovereign choice. You will have many Awakenings as you further illuminate yourself and continue to step into the responsibility of your awareness.
Remember the true divine sovereign being that you are. As you break through your layers of social and cultural conditioning, you begin to see through the veil of illusions. It is time to forgive those illusions and fulfill your infinite potentialities of your true Self. The Awakening can be blissful and exhilarating yet terrifying and extremely painful. I’m here to guide you through your Awakening journey. My goal is not only to help you remember your true divinity, but also to remind you that you woke up for a very important reason. The Awakening is a time of huge transformation. But remember, The Awakening is only the beginning…
Jay-R is currently accepting new clients. Schedule an Awakening session now!